Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Creamy Beef Stroganoff

So, for those who don't know me, I am a Pinterest addict! I am constantly repining everything I see that I might like to make. This recipe is no exception! Like many people, we eat with our eyes and the original picture sure caught mine. The original recipe can be found here! It started as a Portobello Mushroom and Kale Stroganoff. However, after grocery shopping, I couldn't find Kale so I decided to add beef instead. I made several changes to the original recipe and there are still more changes I would make the next go around.


1 white onion
1 Tbs minced garlic
2 Portobello mushrooms (sliced in strips)
1 lbs ground beef
1 Tsp paprika
1 can beef broth
1 Tbs tomato paste
Egg noodles
1 cup of Greek yogurt

If you look at the original recipe, it calls for much more. I would have used 2 cans of cream of mushroom instead of Greek yogurt. I was not a fan of the tangy-ness of the Greek yogurt. I would also keep an extra can of cream of mushroom on hand just in case I wanted more creaminess.

Step 1:

Boil Water for Egg noodles
Brown the onion and ground beef.


 Step 2:

Drain the grease and add the sliced mushrooms


 Step 3:

Add the beef stock, tomato paste, and Greek yogurt (replace Greek yogurt with cream of mushroom), and the paprika. Mix until desired creaminess. I did not reach my desired creaminess and that is why I would replace the yogurt with the cream of mushroom soup.

Step 4:

Add the noodles and stir until coated


Step 5:

Serve and sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese and ENJOY!!
This is a meal I would make again and make the above changes! Unfortunately, my husband does not like HATES mushrooms and will not eat this. I will have to make this when he is away for work!. 



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